Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fortune telling birds

The idea is to pay one peso to have a bird come out of the colorful cage and pick a card, the card has your fortune; Love, money, health etc.
(I always felt bad for the birds)


  1. I love the colors and that you taught us something. Do they do this on the street? This one compliments the other one so well. It looks like the start of a postcard/notecard series...; )

  2. It is funny to me that every time you post something about Mexico.. it reminds me of India. I have never used one of these parrots telling fortunes but in India they have them too... sitting on the market streets.

  3. Interesting B! so they use parrots in India?
    In mexico they use canary's.

  4. Hi Felicity, yeah they used to do it at street markets or outside crowded places, I am not sure if this is still going on but it did back in the 80's-90's when i was there, then I left Mexico but it's a really old school kind of gimmick. :)
    As far as the postcard/note card series, not too sure about it :)

  5. That's interesting; I didn't know about the fortune telling birds. I love the colors you used in this drawing.
